
Longevity Road Trip: What in the World is Austria's Park Igls?



Longevity Road Trip - Austria

People will go to great lengths to slow down the aging process. Some will partake in the latest fad diet in the hopes of trimming down quick, while others will kick it into high gear with an intense fitness regimen. In many cases, an individual will blend these methods together and look for a happy medium.
On the season one finale of “Longevity Road Trip” (Monday, March 12 at 9:30pm ET/6:30pm PT), married couple Lily and Oren go the extra mile by taking a trip to Austria to learn more about how they can lead healthier lives.
Once in Austria, Lily and Oren visit Park Igls, a hybrid health and wellness facility with a mountain view that’s almost as magical as the venue’s perspective on personal wellbeing.

Longevity Road Trip - Austria

When at Park Igls, Lily and Oren gain knowledge about how to properly cleanse one’s body, the importance of keeping an eye on calorie intake, and how to make the most out of a focused gym workout.
For Park Igls, it’s all about their guests striking the right balance – and being able to maintain said balance long after their stay.
“Regular ‘time out’ under medical supervision with a thorough cleansing of the system is essential to counter silent conditions and chronic diseases from an early stage,” reads a descriptor on the Park Igls website. “Park Igls has an excellent track record and international reputation for unparalleled expertise and qualifications in this specialized field.”

Longevity Road Trip - Austria

It continues: “A light, Modern Mayr cuisine diet for foodie fasting, a personalized exercise plan, and the pioneering combination of conventional and alternative medicines based on Modern Mayr Medicine. [This] ensure[s] that our guests can experience considerable success with their chosen treatment plan, lasting well beyond their ‘time out’ with us.”
-Adam Grant

This week on the seasone one finale of “Longevity Road Trip” (Monday, March 12 at 9:30pm ET/6:30pm PT): Lily and Oren visit a cutting edge lab at McMaster to learn how exercise can repair your DNA. Then, they travel to a luxury resort in the Austrian Alps to undergo a rigorous training regimen designed to keep their bodies and minds young and strong. Here’s a preview!

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