
Cheating Death’s Tim Caulfield Calls Out Coffee-based Enema



Cheating Death - Genetics

Throughout “A User’s Guide to Cheating Death,” professor, author, health expert, and series host, Tim Caulfield, educates audiences about the truth behind fad diets, beauty regimes, wellness routines and the influence celebrity culture has on all of it.

One entity that’s been in Caulfield crosshairs for years is, a website founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow. Here, interested parties are encouraged to – among other things – explore alternative health concepts and products. In the first episode of “A User’s Guide to Cheating Death,” Caulfield tosses cold water on the controversial vagina steam that has notoriously promoted upon its site.

Goop - Paltrow

Now, Caulfield has spoken out about what’s being dubbed as ‘The Implant O’ Rama.” In short, this product is designed to assist individuals perform enemas, using coffee as a colonic. (You can read the full product description here.)

During an interview with the Toronto Star, Caulfield noted that coffee-based enemas have been widely debunked and are not supported by the scientific community.

What else does Tim tackle? Find out by watching“A User’s Guide to Cheating Death” Mondays (9pm ET/6pm PT) on VisionTV, through February 5.

“You could do damage to your bowel,” relayed Caulfield to the Toronto Star. “I think this is absolutely absurd, potentially dangerous and there’s no way the consumer should consider using this product.”

Those behind ‘The Impant O’ Rama’ website may also recognize this, as part of the product’s disclaimer reads: “The information contained in these pages and on this website is not intended to replace your doctor. This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not necessarily based on scientific evidence from any source.”

A User's Guide to Cheating Death: Fountain of Youth

In addition to cautioning people about Paltrow and’s practices through the press and social media, Caulfield penned the 2015 book “Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?” The book serves as an “exploration of the effect our celebrity-dominated culture has on our ideas of living the good life.”

“Without Beyonce, the Kardashians and, yep, Gwyneth, no one would be steaming or juicing or flushing their way to a healthy lifestyle,” commented Caulfield in a 2017 interview with “There is a lot of interesting research that demonstrates the influence – often unconscious and indirect – of popular culture in the area of health. So, like it or not, celebrity matters!”

-Adam Grant

A User's Guide to Cheating Death - Titled

Last year, we spoke with Caulfield about a number of fascinating topics. Click here for a look at the Q&A’s we did with him.

What else does Tim tackle? Find out by watching“A User’s Guide to Cheating Death” Mondays (9pm ET/6pm PT) on VisionTV, through February 5.

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